Lehigh Drive closed from 25th Street

Lehigh Drive is closed from 25th street so everyone must approach from Glendon Hill Road (via Front Street to Iron Street) or Lehigh Drive from downtown.

Donate an Artifact

National Canal Museum - Donate an Artifact

Artifact Donation

Do you have a piece of history that you are interested in donating to the National Canal Museum?

The National Canal Museum collects objects, photographs, documents, maps, art, books, and other media relating to the region’s anthracite-carrying canals; related 19th and early 20th century industries such as mining, railroads, and iron production; and material related to our location in Hugh Moore Park (Hugh Moore, Dixie Cup, Island Park, etc.).

If you have something that you believe fits the above criteria, please fill out the Donation Form below. If you have images, please attach them to the form.  Once the museum staff receives the form, they will be in contact with you within five business days to confirm receipt and discuss it with you further.

We CANNOT and WILL NOT accept in-person donations in the National Canal Museum without prior arrangement.  Please do not leave any donations outside the museum when it is closed.

Any object that is offered to the museum as a donation for the permanent collection must first be approved by our Museum, Collections, and Education Committee, which meets every other month.  Once the Committee has made a decision about the object, one of our staff members will contact you.

If an item is accepted into the collection, a Deed of Gift Form will be sent to you. Donors must sign this form, which transfers legal title to the National Canal Museum.

Collections Donation Form

Examples: Photograph of Canal Boat, Miner's Lamp, Painting of the Delaware Canal
Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.

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