Roaring 20’s Music Cruise – DJ Steve Capwell
History, Dinner, Entertainment, Lock Experience – Cost $50 per person
Jazz, flappers, speakeasies . . . the Roaring ‘20s had them all and a lot more. Lehigh Valley music historian and longtime local DJ, Steve Capwell, will recount the years following World War I when America’s economy was booming and new inventions such as radio and cinema were in their infancy. Pole dancing was an American craze, and the fox trot, waltz and American tango weren’t far behind. Music, art and women’s rights moved into new areas. Spend an evening listening to stories and music from this raucous period of America’s past. And don’t be afraid to dress the part; there’s plenty of dancing room. Fun food from Culinary Experts. BYOB – wine and beer only.
This cruise includes a lift lock experience in Lock 47 at the lower end of the canal in Hugh Moore Park. You’ll experience how canal boats were lowered and raised in the old days as they traveled from one section of the canal to another.
To purchase tickets, click here