Lehigh Drive closed from 25th Street

Lehigh Drive is closed from 25th street so everyone must approach from Glendon Hill Road (via Front Street to Iron Street) or Lehigh Drive from downtown.

National Canal Museum - Jams on the Josiah
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July 06, 2018 - Begins at 5:30 PM


5:30 pm - 6:30 pm


Hugh Moore Park
2750 Hugh Moore Park Rd, Easton, PA

Event Type

Start your weekend with a relaxing ride on the mule-drawn Josiah White II canal boat at Hugh Moore Park while enjoying the sounds of Lehigh Valley Music Award-nominated singer-songwriter Leah Marie Fuls.  Light refreshments will be served.  BYOB – wine or beer only.

$25 per person (10% discount for D&L Members)

Click here to make a reservation

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