Lehigh Drive closed from 25th Street

Lehigh Drive is closed from 25th street so everyone must approach from Glendon Hill Road (via Front Street to Iron Street) or Lehigh Drive from downtown.

Where Creativity Flows: Two Centuries of Art Inspired by Our Canals

National Canal Museum - Where Creativity Flows: Two Centuries of Art Inspired by Our Canals
To celebrate the last months of Where Creativity Flows, we invite you to join our
Community Exhibit Photo Contest, and Canal Creations Drawing Contest

The canals of Eastern PA and Western NJ not only changed the course of our nation’s history; they also provided a natural source of inspiration for our nation’s artists. Our 2020-21 exhibit, “Where Creativity Flows: Two Centuries of Art Inspired by Our Canals,” exhibits historic and contemporary artworks, novels and children’s books, folk art, and film that capture the history and timeless beauty of canal life.

Gallery Tour with Martha Capwell Fox

Blog post: Exhibiting Our Creativity

Scroll through the gallery for a preview!


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